An amazing selection of resources of Law and Religious Studies. Suitable for KS3, KS4 and KS5.
All our resources are created with love and care, we take pride in ensuring that they are beautiful to look at, because how are we expected to learn if things aren't pretty?
An amazing selection of resources of Law and Religious Studies. Suitable for KS3, KS4 and KS5.
All our resources are created with love and care, we take pride in ensuring that they are beautiful to look at, because how are we expected to learn if things aren't pretty?
Topic: Remedies (Contract)
Marks: 25 Marks
Exam Board: Eduqas
Unit: Contract Law
Paper: Paper 3
This is a 25 mark essay question on contract law remedies. The question focuses on AO3 and would form part of Paper 3, Perspectives on Substantive Law as part of the Eduqas A-Level Law exam.
If students are completing the essay in class under timed conditions they should be given 45 minutes to do so.
Included is a model plan and a model answer to help support with marking and DIRT work.
Topic: Criminal Justice System
Exam Board: Eduqas
Paper: Paper 1: English Legal Systems
Unit: Unit 1: English Legal Systems
This is a knowledge organiser on the criminal justice system. This is designed for the Eduqas exam board but should suit other exam boards.
These are a great revision tool for students and can also be used as intervention for students who are struggling.
It is bright and colourful and looks great if printed in colour.
Contains key information about the criminal justice system including types of offences, the criminal trial process and the Magistrates’ and Crown Court.
Topic: English Legal Systems
Paper: Paper 1: The Nature of Law and the English Legal System
Exam Board: Eduqas
This is a revision workbook designed to help support students with revision on English Legal System. This can be used as whole class revision support or as an individual intervention for students who are struggling.
I provide this to all students, but I assign students who need targeted intervention specific tasks from the booklet to help them.
It is designed to help students prepare and use simple revision resources.
It is designed to be used over 10 weeks culminating in a full English Legal Systems exam. I recommend using it after students have completed their first full ELS mock so they can reflect on their progress.
Activity 1
Students will create case and legislation lists for each topic.
Activity 2
Students will sort their cases & legislation lists into tier 1, 2 and 3
Activity 3
Students will create flash cards based on these lists & learn them
Activity 4
Students will create a glossary of key terms for each topic
Activity 5
Students will create flash cards based on their glossaries & learn them
Activity 6
Students will create an advantages and disadvantages table for each topic (Part B topics only)
Activity 7
Students will sort these tables into PCP paragraphs to create a generic essay plan for each topic
Activity 8
Students will create flow charts for the AO2 questions (Part A topics only)
Activity 9
Students will enhance their flow charts with definitions & examples and then learn them
Activity 10
Students will sit a full ELS past paper under timed conditions (no past paper is included, these can be accessed from the Eduqas website)
This is designed for the Eduqas exam board but it could be modified to suit other exam boards by removing activities 8 & 9.
Topics: Contract Law, Tort Law & Criminal Law
Exam Board: Eduqas
Paper: Paper 2: Substantive Law in Practice
This is a quick revision lesson to help students practice quickly identifying the issues in scenario questions.
This is designed for year 13 students who have finished the whole course. It is designed for the Eduqas exam board and contract law option.
There is a starter activity where students write down all the topics they have studied. Weaker students can use these lists to help them during the activity.
Students then have a worksheet with six scenario questions on (these are from the 2023 exam). They should then identify the topics covered in each area and complete on a worksheet. They have 10 minutes to complete the task.
The teacher can then talk through the scenarios & what the actual topics are.
There are also some top tips to help students identify issues.
There is a starter and a plenary as well.
Topic: Crown Prosecution Service
Unit: Unit 4: Crime and Punishment
Exam Board: WJEC
This is a quick scavenger hunt activity that is great for revision of the CPS.
Students are given one of the larger cards with a topic on, relating to the CPS. They then have to find all of the cards that relate to that topic.
Students should then explain how the cards relate to the topic.
Teacher Note: The cards are in order - so the first row on page 2 relates to the first row on page 1 (e.g. budget cuts relates to the row that starts 25%).
Good for revision lessons or as a starter/plenary activity.
Topic: Criminal Appeals
Unit: Unit 1: English Legal Systems
Exam Board: Eduqas
This is a legislation list for the topic of Criminal Appeals. This is designed to give students an overview of all the relevant legislation and sections.
This is great for differentiation or for revision for students.
Topic: Criminal Justice System
Unit: Unit 1: English Legal Systems
Exam Board: Eduqas
This is a legislation list for the topic of the Criminal Justice System (excluding Criminal Appeals). This is designed to give students an overview of all the relevant legislation and sections.
This is great for differentiation or for revision for students.
Topic: Negligence
Marks: 25 Marks
Exam Board: Eduqas
Unit: Tort Law
Paper: Paper 2
This is a 25 mark essay question on negligence. The question focuses on AO2 and would form part of Paper 2, Substantive Law in Practice as part of the Eduqas A-Level Law exam.
If students are completing the essay in class under timed conditions they should be given 45 minutes to do so.
Included is a model plan and a model answer to help support with marking and DIRT work.
Topic: Civil Appeals
Unit: Unit 1: English Legal Systems
Exam Board: Eduqas
This is a full lesson on the topic of Civil Appeals. This is designed for the Eduqas exam board but should suit other exam boards. This is for Paper 1: English Legal Systems.
This lesson is designed to be taught over a single lesson. I teach this the same week as I teach civil process.
A student version is also included which has answers removed.
All necessary worksheets are included along with any links needed.
Starters: 1
Plenaries: 1
Main Activities: 2
Small Activities: 0
Challenge Points: 1
Knowledge Checks: 0
Practice Essays: 0
Topic: Charities & Pressure Groups
Unit: Unit 4: Crime and Punishment
Exam Board: Eduqas
This is a full lesson on the topic of the charities & pressure groups. This is designed to cover the agencies aspect of Unit 4. It covers the content on charities & pressure groups necessary for 3.2 (explain the role of agencies in social control) & 3.4. (evaluate the effectiveness of agencies in achieving social control)
This lesson is designed to be taught across one or two lessons.
A student version is also included which has answers removed.
All necessary worksheets are included along with any links needed.
Starters: 2
Plenaries: 2
Main Activities: 1
Small Activities: 1
Challenge Points: 2
Knowledge Checks: 0
Practice Essays: 2
Topic: Standard of Care (Negligence)
Marks: 25 Marks
Exam Board: Eduqas
Unit: Tort Law
Paper: Paper 2
This is a 25 mark essay question on standard of care. The question focuses on AO2 and would form part of Paper 2, Substantive Law in Practice as part of the Eduqas A-Level Law exam.
If students are completing the essay in class under timed conditions they should be given 45 minutes to do so.
Included is a model plan and a model answer to help support with marking and DIRT work.
Topic: Prisons & Probation
Unit: Unit 4: Crime and Punishment
Exam Board: Eduqas
This is a full lesson on the topic of the prisons and probation. This is designed to cover the agencies aspect of Unit 4. It covers the content on prisons and probation necessary for 1.2 (describe the organisation of the criminal justice system in England & Wales), 3.2 (explain the role of agencies in social control) & 3.4. (evaluate the effectiveness of agencies in achieving social control)
This lesson is designed to be taught across one or two lessons.
A student version is also included which has answers removed.
All necessary worksheets are included along with any links needed.
Starters: 3
Plenaries: 3
Main Activities: 6
Small Activities: 2
Challenge Points: 6
Knowledge Checks: 0
Practice Essays: 3
Topic: Delegated Legislation
Marks: 5 Marks
Exam Board: Eduqas
Unit: English Legal Systems
Paper: Paper 1
This is a 5 mark essay question on delegated legislation. The question focuses on AO1 and would form part of Paper 1, English Legal Systems as part of the Eduqas A-Level Law exam.
If students are completing the essay in class under timed conditions they should be given 10 minutes to do so.
Included is a model plan and a model answer to help support with marking and DIRT work.
Topic: Statutory Interpretation
Marks: 5 Marks
Exam Board: Eduqas
Unit: English Legal Systems
Paper: Paper 1
This is a 5 mark essay question on statutory interpretation. The question focuses on AO1 and would form part of Paper 1, English Legal Systems as part of the Eduqas A-Level Law exam.
If students are completing the essay in class under timed conditions they should be given 10 minutes to do so.
Included is a model plan and a model answer to help support with marking and DIRT work.
Topic: Precedent
Marks: 5 Marks
Exam Board: Eduqas
Unit: English Legal Systems
Paper: Paper 1
This is a 5 mark essay question on precedent. The question focuses on AO1 and would form part of Paper 1, English Legal Systems as part of the Eduqas A-Level Law exam.
If students are completing the essay in class under timed conditions they should be given 10 minutes to do so.
Included is a model plan and a model answer to help support with marking and DIRT work.
Topic: Law Reform
Marks: 5 Marks
Exam Board: Eduqas
Unit: English Legal Systems
Paper: Paper 1
This is a 5 mark essay question on law reform. The question focuses on AO1 and would form part of Paper 1, English Legal Systems as part of the Eduqas A-Level Law exam.
If students are completing the essay in class under timed conditions they should be given 10 minutes to do so.
Included is a model plan and a model answer to help support with marking and DIRT work.
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Topic: Magistrates
Unit: Unit 1: English Legal Systems
Exam Board: Eduqas
This is a full lesson on the topic of Magistrates. This is designed for the Eduqas exam board but should suit other exam boards. This is for Paper 1: English Legal Systems.
This lesson is designed to be taught across one or two lessons.
A student version is also included which has answers removed.
All necessary worksheets are included along with any links needed.
Starters: 3
Plenaries: 3
Main Activities: 5
Small Activities: 1
Challenge Points: 2
Knowledge Checks: 3
Practice Essays: 1
Topic: Judiciary & Courts
Unit: Unit 4: Crime and Punishment
Exam Board: Eduqas
This is a full lesson on the topic of the judiciary and courts. This is designed to cover the agencies aspect of Unit 4. It covers the content on the judiciary and courts necessary for 1.2 (describe the organisation of the criminal justice system in England & Wales), 3.2 (explain the role of agencies in social control) & 3.4. (evaluate the effectiveness of agencies in achieving social control)
This lesson is designed to be taught across one or two lessons.
A student version is also included which has answers removed.
All necessary worksheets are included along with any links needed.
Starters: 3
Plenaries: 3
Main Activities: 6
Small Activities: 5
Challenge Points: 4
Knowledge Checks: 0
Practice Essays: 3
Topic: Law Making
Marks: 5 Marks
Exam Board: Eduqas
Unit: English Legal Systems
Paper: Paper 1
This is a 5 mark essay question on law making. The question focuses on AO1 and would form part of Paper 1, English Legal Systems as part of the Eduqas A-Level Law exam.
If students are completing the essay in class under timed conditions they should be given 10 minutes to do so.
Included is a model plan and a model answer to help support with marking and DIRT work.
Topic: Legal Funding
Marks: 10
Exam Board: Eduqas
Unit: English Legal Systems
Paper: Paper 1
This is a 10 mark essay question on legal funding. The question focuses on AO1 and would form part of Paper 1, English Legal Systems as part of the Eduqas A-Level Law exam.
If students are completing the essay in class under timed conditions they should be given 20 minutes to do so.
Included is a model plan and a model answer to help support with marking and DIRT work.